Somerville Garden Club

SGC Membership

With a Somerville Garden Club membership, you support our public meetings and lectures, public garden sites in Somerville maintained by the Somerville Garden Club, and our popular yearly Plant Sale. 

Benefits of membership include:

For dues of $25 per year, members receive:

  • A monthly newsletter with original horticultural articles. Written exclusively by members, the focus is on up to date gardening information, and includes profiles of plants, techniques, reviews of books and horticultural sites in the area, and things to do in the garden each month.
  • Discount at Pemberton Farms garden center.
  • Membership privileges at the Somerville Municipal Federal Credit Union.
  • Scholarship program for horticultural course work.
  • Access to our members only website, email announcements, and discussions.
  • Special private members-only garden tours and field trips.
  • Volunteer opportunities on SGC community projects and public garden sites.
  • A chance to meet friendly fellow garden enthusiasts at monthly SGC meetings, community events, and club committees.

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